
Anchors When Life Gets Overwhelming




As you open this book, you begin to travel with Pam on the sea of life. There is a brief period of smooth sailing before a storm hits, and we find ourselves needing an anchor to keep from drifting out to open sea. Maybe you are there now…in a storm. Maybe not. Either way, you need to know about anchors. Anchors for yourself and anchors you can throw to others during their time on life’s turbulent waters. Using timely biblical examples coupled with personal journaling, Pam gives us several tried and true anchors that held her during her journey from sickness back to health. In addition, the guest contributions tell stories of anchors that held them fast during storms of abortion, depression, divorce, cancer, raising autistic children, being falsely accused and imprisoned, and other overwhelming circumstances.  Maybe you are the one drifting from sanity and safety, desperately needing an anchor. These anchors will keep us in safe harbor, anchored on the Rock, Christ Jesus!

Additional information

Weight 18 oz
Dimensions 6 × .34 × 9 in


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